Gods Unchained, Beyond Basics

3 min readDec 23, 2021


I reached “Mythic which is the highest rank and will tell you how.
TL;DR : knowledge.

Gods Unchained NFT Trading Card Game

If you already played Trading Card Games (TCG) it’s always the same concept : outnumber your opponent, deal damage to his character and win.

Deception Rush Aggro Deck

First, you need a strong understanding of game basics (Roar, Afterlife, Frontline, etc..) but I’ll skip on those, which you’ll master by playing.
You can learn more about basics at the Gods Academy.

Special note about core basics :

  • Deadly does not proc against Protected, nor if damage dealt is below target creature Armor.
  • Hidden & Order bypass Frontline.
  • Use the Sanctum wisely

Once you master the basics, you’ll have to dive deeper in Deck Building and Theorycraft : build a coherent deck, with a clear “Win Condition”.

GUDecks.com provide analytics about the current meta.
At the time of writing, Big Breats Nature and Frenzied Aggro War are popular picks with decent win rates.

These are Archetypes and may be adapted with cards at your disposal if you’re strictly Free-to-Play.

The “Card Ranking” tab on GUDecks.com is handy to know which cards from Core and Welcome sets performs well in general.
Select “Welcome Set” and sort by “Deck Winrate”.

From these stats, I recommend you dropping any “Welcome” & “Core” cards below 50% win rate.

The “Welcome Set” isn’t tradable nor avaiable to mint in the Forge, and is only available through the Star Store.

Make sure to grab Wild Hog, Vanguard Axewoman as soon you see them.
Buy meteorite versions of “Welcome Set” cards that populate your decks to be prepared for daily Play-to-Earn rewards that will arrive directly after the Blessing of the Gods event.

I highly recommend you CopperPitch, who, among other things, is Mythic player with a Youtube channel with tons of valuable information..

CopperPitch | Top 9 Core Neutral Cards

He also taught me theorycraft deck building :

CopperPitch | Deck Building 101

And finally, once you know both deck building and valuable cards, the only thing left is to play a lot to know what Gods areable to, at each mana.

Nature has :

Knowing this, I’ll always try force him drop these, and trade my creatures wisely for advantage at 6th mana and survive “The Hunt”.

On the other hand, when playing those cards by yourself, you want to isolate creatures so “Random” isn’t.

Magic Spell Damage, very popular at the moment, has :

Here’s what I’m trying to explain here : Knowledge.

Be the Mastermind.

Of course, the more you’ll rank up, the more you’ll see people playing cards from Genesis, Trial of Gods and Divine Order but once again :

Check the actual meta on GUDecks.com to know what’s popular right now, to know what you’re likely to face in your games.

It’s also recommended to watch Mythic streamers, to see their playstyle and decks, understand how they think and how they win.

Feel free to ask questions in GodsUnchained’s or Copper’s Crypto Cave ❤️

In next articles,I’ll cover $IMX gas-less Layer 2 and $GODS staking.

Last note : running multiple accounts on GodsUnchained is forbidden.
You’re likely to get banned for doing so, but there’s still an option to talk with the support if you have family members playing as well.




Written by €$¥

🛠️ https://krk.finance • feedback provider • whitehat

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